There are various styles of meridian therapy. Same words may be used, but contents are different.

NISHIZUKA LABO proposes innovative ideas of meridian therapy.

We explain meridian therapy in an easy-to-understand manner.

We look at classical medicine based on meridian therapy.


Katsuyuki. Oue graduated from Kinki University in pharmacology and graduated from Osaka Acupuncture School.
He studied under Mr. Masakazu Ikeda. He is the president of Oue Pharmaceutical Clinic, director/instructor of Meridian Therapy Conference and its Summer College, president of Nishizuka Labo, and vice president of Tokushima Prefecture Acupuncturist Association.
His published books include: Easy to Understand Meridian Therapy Lecture Illustrated, Nan Jing Lesson – A Picture Book (both published by Ido-No-Nippon-Sha,) and “Seasons of Eastern Medicine – Tuning Up the Body With


・An Easily Understood Lecture of Meridian Therapy with Illustrations, Diagrams, and Pictures

 Before starting the lecture    --- as an introduction --- 

‘Meridian therapy’ is systematized and theoretically based on classic books such as ‘Su wen’, ‘Ling shu’, and ‘Nan jing’ etc. Even though most acupuncturists try to learn meridian therapy, it is often difficult to understand.
“Finally, I became an acupuncturist after intensive study. I wanted to treat patients based on the classic style. However, I could not understand ‘Yin-Yang’ and ‘Five elements’ etc theories because of the unique terms—”
“How does pulse indicate body condition?”
“I am interested in studying Meridian therapy, but I don’t know where to start.”
I have been teaching meridian therapy in Meridian Therapy Conference Summer College as a lecturer for many years. I notice that many people have struggles such as above problems through teaching many people. Therefore, I try to teach it clearly, simply, and practically as much as I can. For example, I try to use many slides for clear imagery and try not to use difficult words.
This book is written based on lectures of Meridian Therapy Conference Summer College. The Meridian Therapy Conference has a textbook which is called ‘Japanese Acupuncture Medicine’. I teach how to read this textbook for learning the skills of meridian therapy in summer college. In this opportunity to write this book, I added another lecture of Tokushima and Osaka branches of Meridian Therapy Conference and also covered generalities and particulars to make it more accessible to beginners.
“What is Yin and Yang?” “What are the five elements?”
These are very important questions. But many beginners try to learn the definitions first and end up giving up because it takes them too much time to understand how and in what kind of situations they are used in actual treatment and clinics. The key to success is to get an overall picture first.
This book shows the general answers of “What is meridian therapy?” in chapter 1, and the answers to “What does it mean to treat diseases by acupuncture?” follow from chapter 2.
Regardless of Meridian therapy or other styles of acupuncture treatment, they all have common concepts. The three concepts are; ‘Where,’ ‘How,’ and ‘How much’ the needle is inserted. Now, how are these three concepts determined in Meridian Therapy? Beginners should keep this viewpoint in mind while studying meridian therapy so that they can clearly understand how the theory becomes practical in actual treatment.
Chapter 3 shows how to diagnose and how to find the cause of the disease. It seems very complicated but it is quite simple if it is understood through imagery. One difficult
concept, ‘spread of cold and heat’ is also easily depicted so the practitioner can diagnose accurately.
In meridian therapy, once the practitioner is able to “diagnose a pattern,” the treatment methods will follow. This is the defining feature of meridian therapy. Chapter 4 shows this concept.
Moreover, chapter 5 shows ‘What information can the practitioner get from pulse diagnosis?’ I will teach you step by step. If you want to get detailed information of pulse diagnosis, you feel as though you do not have enough time. If you get a general image of the condition of the body by pulse diagnosis, you are fine in the clinic level. If you understand the key points, you will get flow from the pulse diagnosis to acupuncture point selection.
Section II contains more detailed chapters as the next level includes case studies. Experienced practitioners can benefit from this section because of the many case studies.
I think this book is very appropriate for those who are studying Meridian therapy right now, or who want to start learning. This book will be beneficial to efficiently mastering Meridian therapy.
Also I hope that some acupuncturists who are not interested in learning meridian therapy read this book because s/he can understand the way of making ‘deficiency and excess of meridian’ as the core of the treatment method which is meridian therapy, so s/he will get the concepts
of classic medicine and will learn another style of treatments more easily.
I would be pleased if you could make use of this book as the motivation for creating your treatment style.



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【EN】2025 Katsuyuki Oue Traditional Medicine Seminar in L.A. (with English Interpreter/Archive)


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【EN】Katsuyuki Oue Traditional Medicine Webinar 2024 Winter (with English Interpreter / Archive)