【EN】Katsuyuki Oue Meridian Therapy Seminar 2023 in Los Angeles (with English Interpreter)

Dear friends,
It looks like we’ll finally be able to do a live seminar this year.
In the past five lectures, including online webinars, we went over the general theory of meridian therapy to each basic pattern.
In the 6th lecture of the “reorganized” series, I would like to discuss diagnosis as the first of the clinical edition. Based on the basic knowledge we have learned so far, I will explain how to build a treatment plan.
For the practical training, we will demonstrate how to actually collect information and analyze it on a model patient. At that time, we will ask the volunteers to stand at the bedside and guide their pulse and abdominal examination.
Due to the recent outbreak of infectious diseases, I have learned that the seminars and clinics that have been taken for granted may not go as planned. I want to cherish each and every opportunity.
Katsuyuki Oue